In Los Angeles

Anne Petermann, Executive Director of Global Justice Ecology Project, Clayton Thomas-Muller, Indigenous Environmental Network’s Tar Sands Campaigner and I are in Los Angeles, California and were interviewed yesterday Thursday 15 November 2012) and today on KPFK‘s Pacifica radio.

Yesterday’s show was nationally broadcast on Pacifica for a fund drive for sister Pacifica station WBAI in New York, NY.  Money is being raised to get WBAI back on the air after Hurricane Sandy flooded the studio there, knocking it off the air.

Additionally Petermann and Thomas-Muller were interviewed by Sonali Kolhattkar for her show: Uprising.

Global Justice Ecology Project and The Sojourner Truth Show with Margaret Prescod show partner every week in producing an Earth Minute and EarthWatch.

All photos by Orin Langelle.

Margaret Prescod, host of The Sojourner Truth show, in her office
Global Justice Ecology Project’s Anne Petermann (left) and Indigenous Environmental Network’s Clayton Thomas-Muller interviewed by Margaret Prescod
IEN’s Clayton Thomas-Muller making a point
Margaret Prescod (right)
Sonali Kolhattkar interviews Petermann and Thomas-Muller for her show: Uprising
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