Visuals: How Chile Dealt with International Human Rights Day

Man injured by the police close to Plaza de la Dignidad in Santiago, Chile during International Humans Rights Day. photo: Langelle/GJEP
Cruz Roja Chilena (Red Cross) about to be sprayed with water cannon. photo: Langelle/GJEP

Santiago, Chile – On the international day of human rights, protesters in Chile held a march commemorating the 350+ eyes lost to the violence of the Carabineros de Chile (national police) during the days of the Chile uprising. When the march arrived at the Plaza de la Dignidad, they were joined by many more protesters from across the city.

The Red Cross came and set up an aid station on the edge of the plaza. Not long after, the Carabineros arrived with their water cannons and gave the Red Cross extra special attention.

Please see Biofuelwatch’s Gary Hughes’ short video after the photos: Chilean National Police Attack Red Cross. Hughes, Anne Petermann from Global Justice Ecology Project and myself are the field team of CHILE CLIMATE NEWS.

All photos by Orin Langelle/GJEP

“Truth – Justice –  Reparations for the children raped by the state” translated banner at the National Museum, Belles Artes
Depicting blood and eyeballs in the hands of the government
The eyes go to Plaza de la Dignidad and the statue of Manuel Baquedano
Hundreds of women march together into Plaza de la Dignidad
Young protesters running down the avenue as the freshly painted art canvas of water cannon passes on the street
Water cannons chase crowd

Tear gas canister fired from the truck in air before it lands in the streets. A canister like this struck a 15 year young woman in the demonstration and sent her to the hospital for surgery. She now is in critical condition.
Tear gas in the streets
Carabineros with shields between the police vehicles
After returning to our apartment in another part of the city in Santiago, this fire blockade, seen on the corner of San Diego and Sta. Isabel, was accompanied by protesters banging in rhythm on the metal barricade – rebellion and outrage spreading through the city.  Passers by honked in time to show their support.

On International Human Rights Day Chilean National Police Attack Red Cross video by Gary Hughes.


Photojournalist Orin Langelle takes a break by graffiti celebrating Victor Jara in Santiago, Chile. Langelle has been photographing the frontlines of the peoples’ rebellion in Chile. The musician Jara, a Chilean hero, was murdered by the regime of dictator Augusto Pinochet. photo: Petermann/GJEP





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