Photos of Chiapas reception on 5 July

This was the second reception at Casa de Arte in Buffalo, NY for Orin Langelle’s and Bill Jungel’s photography and Anton Kojtom’s etchings. There were also weavings from the women’s cooperative Tsobol Antsetik and added artwork by Casa de Arte’s owner’s Rick Williams and Mara Odette Guerrero-Williams.

This was part of the Allentown First Friday Gallery Tour.

The exhibit runs through 28 July 2013.

More on the show including previews from Artvoice, Buffalo Spree and The Buffalo Daily News: Gusto.

Photos from the Exhibitions’s First Opening Reception on 22 June

Photographs below by Orin Langelle

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Outside of the gallery in Buffalo, NY

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A woman looks at Orin Langelle’s work

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Group looks at Bill Jungel’s work

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Casa de Arte’s owner’s Rick Williams and Mara Odette Guerrero-Williams

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Ken Burns from the Burnham and Dodge Art Hour radio show

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Surrealist artist Frederick Seaton shows an example of his work on a pamphlet from an Erie, PA gallery where his and other artists’ work are currently on exhibit

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